Our English Synopsis 1. Audio Culture: Zero Hour, Liftoff Editorial. In our view High Fidelity is at the cultural crosscurrents of music, technology, merchandizing and psychology. We are taken a back by the seemingly limitless irrationality of the Hi-Fi world yet we are striving to determine how to minimize the backwardness of Hungarian audio culture. Our aim is to create a sounding board for music-lovers and musicians, laymen and professionals, engineers and business-people. Based on our carefully selected reference equipments as well as on the advanced technology of the Hungarian Electrotechnical Institute for Quality Control (MEEI), using objective and subjective means we are searching for Hi-Fi products that combine priceworthiness with listening satisfaction. 2. Hi-Fi Ways And Audio Paths We hope to present the Hungarian readers the main tendencies and achievements of the audio world. We plan to deal with the outstanding controversies: direct drive vs belt drive, moving coil vs moving magnet, transistor vs tube, separated vs combined components, dynamic vs electrostatic speakers, normal vs multiamplification. Our goal is to select such world renowned equipments that would provide a relatively high standard for the Hungarian industry and market without being absurdly excessive for local conditions. Our references: Sonus Blue Label magnetic and EMT TSD 15 moving coil cartridge with EMT-transformers (Our budget model: Ortofon FF 15E/II.); Thorens TD 126/III. turntable with Isotrack arm, Thorens TD 124/II. with Hadcock; Radford SC 22/STA 25 pre/power amp; Spendor BC I. (for special tasks JBL 4333) speakers; Revox A77/B77, Nakamichi 700 decks. 3. Hungaroton Record Weeks - For The Second Time popularization of classical music, politico-cultural mission of Hungaroton. Classical recordings are discounted for the duration of the September promotion. Critics will present awards for the most outstanding Hungarian recordings of the year, in various categories. 4. Record Sheet Hifi Magazin is the first publication ever in Hungary which considers among its dutios to present all the new records. 16 pages will be devoted entirely to this task. In our first issue we will present 40 recently made classical recordings, all Hungarian products. 5. Page Of Mirages Ideas on how to improve production and marketing in Hungary, possibly not impossible at all, unlike our title. First among the primary duties: the creation of a network of Hi-Fi retailing and servicing in our country. 6. Presenting: Akai GX 4000 D The best tape deck sold in Hungary so far. We feel that the subjective test ("Seance") is more important than the specs. On an average good quality program of pop music no difference perceived, not even at the end of the tape, compared to the triply expensive Revox B77. The difference however was easily felt when more demanding program was played, espacially on a dynamically varied classical piece. 7. Our Starphoto: Marantz 4400 Receiver Playmate of the month, worthy for the attention of Hi-Fi fans especially for those who are not aware of the advantages of separates. The preamp of the receiver costing DM 4800,- is mediocre at the best. The most outstanding part is the power amp but even that lags behind a 15 year old domestic tube design (BEAG EA 057; about equivalent with a well-modified Dyna ST7O). A most rewarding comparison. 8. Test A comparison of the 8 most commonly owned turntables in Hungary. This time testing would include motors and arms; in the next issue we will analyze cartridges, thereafter we will get immersed in listening tests as well as modifications. 9. Soundservice Space for those desiring to inquire, needing advice, wishing to comment or argue or even to advertize. 10. Edison Galactica Is there any difference among 10 conductors or 10 outstanding orchestras? Can live productions be judged? Can recorded music be judged? András Pernye musicologist, about his doubts. 11. Following The Black Disc How records are made. (And a soundman sounds off about his experiences with the new mixing console.) 12. Instruments And Tones: Journey On Strings "From lute to guitar, from guitar to lute". Dániel Benkő talks about his instruments and their history. 13. June Soundstorm So far the most power intensive popconcert of 1979 has been the combined appearance of Osibisa and the local V-Moto-Rock in Budapest. Ferenc Demjén, lead vocalist of the Hungarian group, reports on the two groups' common tour abroad and the technical intricacies faced by the hosts during their performance in Budapest's Kisstadion.